More than a few years ago, this day started for me with nothing unusual. I was excited about sending my daughter off to visit her uncle in Florida, she would meet up with her older sister there also, with all arrangements made and her excitement of flying on the plane from NYC was unbelievable, joy was in the air.
I was working as an Sale rep. at the time, wholesale/retail foods. Well nothing goes as planned, one of my customers was short a box of spaghetti, so that meant that I would have to hand deliver the merchandise to one of my best customers on that same day that my daughter was to take her flight. No problem, I learned early on that your customers needs must be met no matter what, no excuses.
With the one box of spaghetti in tow along with my daughter, we started out to the airport in Queens NY. to get her boarded. I noticed that I had parked in section 13, with no reservations or thought of Friday the 13Th we continued on. Upon getting her boarded I was told that her seat was #13. I quickly asked for a different seat, which they granted after some motherly persuasion. She was seated in her new seat and the plane took off. I had gone over all the don't talk to strangers and everything else I could think of so she would be safe, she was about 14 at the time.
Now I must deliver the spaghetti before lunch time to my customer which I did, no problems , my customer was happy.
I was traveling back to the office which was located in the Bronx when a storm popped up, raining like cats and dogs gone wild. the water was half way up the sides of the car. I was on the Triboro Bridge and the car stopped in the middle lane. Cars were speeding by and at one point I felt I needed to get out of that car now. At that moment I was hit from behind by a car traveling about 60 miles per hour, leaving me facing the oncoming traffic and since I had my seat belt on,my upper body was
pressed against stick shift and my head in the passenger seat.
Pure terror was all I felt, I could not get out and with all the screaming I was doing was to no avail, the cars were speeding pass me trapped in my car.Someone finally stopped and said he was a doctor, but he did not stay with me or try to help me get out of that car.
The police finally came and stated they could not stay due to an emergency, but they would send an ambulance, which they did, I suppose they were the ones to call the ambulance.
So, for my thoughts on Friday the 13Th, I have always remembered and gotten past that unforgettable day. My daughter arrived at her destination safely and that was my only concern. I was unable to walk for about a month.
I tried to keep the accident a secret, well when my daughters found out about it they cut their visit short and returned home.
You never know what's in store for us on a given day, but we must count our blessings for every day granted to us.