Sunday, July 15, 2012

Country Music

Do you love country music ? I find it to be so entertaining and relaxing. I have a great station that I listen to along with others. ,with Kit Brooks. Take a gander if you like country music. I am sure you will enjoy. Sometimes it is sad and sometimes funny and down right telling it like it is. I do enjoy all music, but country music can make you smile right off the bat. This FM station gives you the countdown on who is number one and so on. Today is Brantley Gilbert singing " You Don't Know Her Like I Do". You all can relate to that at some time or other. I also like Allen Jackson, singing "Don"t Rock The Juke Box". Sit back and relax and enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

https://jenniferjofaypaperdolls/ said...

I love country music. Shania Twain, Kelly Pickler and a a bunch of others are my favorites. My car radio needs to be fixed (wire connection most likely). I should make myself listen to my cds though.